Frosty mornings and dark evenings are all experiences we live with when we’re going through those winter months. Finding the motivation to workout can be hard sometimes, particularly when it’s cold outside and dark by 4:30 pm. This is why I wanted to share a few tips to encourage you to get that exercise in despite the cold, dark days. These tips will help you to find the motivation you need in order to enjoy and even look forward to the fresh air and gym environment.

Schedule workouts in your calendar before the week starts

In order to set yourself up for success, prepare everything you can before your desired workout time. If you’re planning on training in the morning, pack your bags the night before, lay out your workout gear and have your coffee mug ready so you can roll right out the door when that alarm goes off. If you prefer to train in the evenings, have everything you need ready to go in a bag and try to have a regular routine so you don’t end up running out of time and skipping the workout.

It can also be really helpful to make sure you have a few things to help you along the way during the colder months. This may mean investing in some winter workout gear to keep you toasty or getting yourself a new thermos to keep your coffee warmer for longer. None of these little things need to be expensive either, there are some very affordable brands out there that do the job just fine!

Bring a friend along

See if any friends or family want to join you for a regular workout. Exercising with a friend keeps you both accountable, it helps you to commit to a schedule and show up even when you don’t want to. It’s also a great opportunity to spend time with a loved one! Alternatively, you could join a group class and meet new people there or even try a local running club!

Seek help from a personal trainer

If maintaining motivation is something you struggle with, working with a personal trainer could be exactly what you need. As a personal trainer, we are here to help you achieve your goals and we will be there to keep you going every step of the way. We are there to guide you through every workout, help you set targets and set clear pathways to ensure that you can get to where you want to be.

Rearrange the furniture

Yes, you read that right. You don’t need a gym membership to get a workout done. You don’t need any fancy equipment either. All you need is to clear a bit of space in your home, get your trainers on and get going. Don’t underestimate the power of a home workout. When performed correctly, body weight activities can be as effective as weight-lifting for building muscle. All you need to do is to modify your workouts and increase the intensity or duration over time.

  • Try planks, squats, burpees, lunges, pushups, and flutter kicks.
  • Modify the workout by increasing the number of repetitions per session.

Remind yourself why it’s important

There is no question that it can be difficult to peel yourself out of a warm bed and put on your trainers when it feels like the middle of the night – because in those moments it’s hard to remember how great you feel once you’ve done that workout. It’s not just the endorphins that will boost your mood, is the sense of pride and satisfaction you will feel from committing to your goals and following through. You’ll be grateful that you found the time to exercise even on those cold dark days, let the endorphins do their job and blast away those winter blues.